Sunday, March 4, 2012

The Truth

     How did the The Cylon become the first Disciple of The #downPAINment? It wasn't after years of careful study and meditation. It wasn't the sudden rush, push and a shove of a workout/diet epiphany. Nope, what began The Cylon's Discipleship was something far simpler. He just admitted the Truth to himself.

     To understand The Truth, it's probably easier to start with the series of Lies that are its antithesis, and which formed the bars of the cage in which The Cylon lived--before he became The Cylon that is. Here they are:

  1. There is a Place Called "In-Shape". The Cylon used to believe in this magical place. Even though he was never really there, he believed that with enough physical training he could get to In-Shape and live there forever. He believed that he had been in the neighborhood many times, maybe even at the front gate one a few special occasions with his meaty claw poised to ring the buzzer, but something always happened to push him away. And, once pushed away, The Cylon would find himself led astray to a place very far away from In-Shape, a place called Disgracefully Fat, where he would have to start the whole journey back to In-Shape again. What kept The Cylon constantly searching for In-Shape formed the basis of Lie Number Two . . 
  2. Once In-Shape, the Struggle Ended. Yeah, that's what kept The Cylon dreaming. All the hard work he would do to get to In-Shape would stop once he was passed through the golden doors. As if this magical place would cast a spell over his metabolism and make it stop vacuuming pizza crumbs up out of his gourd and dumping them in his love handles. Oh, ye weary dreamer.
  3. Physical Training Can Trump a Bad Diet. The Cylon knows that Lie Number Three doesn't really match up with the first two Lies, but that's the nature of self-delusion isn't it? The Cylon used to believe in the Holy Grail of a PT program so intense that he could eat ANYTHING he wanted. That's right, and it's simple. He thought that he cold burn so many KCals in a day that it did not matter how many he consumed and in what form they came. It's a lovely dream, but it's a lie. 
  4. The Body Cannot Handle Daily Intense Workouts (on the same parts). This Lie comes from the world of Gym Ratting in which The Cylon dwelled for far too long. It's what forms the concept of the most stultifying workout in history, the two-day split: chest/tris on Monday and Thursday, bis/back on Tuesday and Friday, rest on Wednesday--that's all a body can handle. Putting aside The Cylon's complete rejection of Gym Ratting for another post and day and focusing for a second on why all this recovery jazz is boooyah: TRUE, the body needs to recover, but it CAN handle a daily workout on the same parts. The Cylon read this Truth first in Younger Next Year and then tested it for himself. It's true. The body can not only take a hard daily workout, but needs it. 
      These cherished Lies are what kept The Cylon from The Truth for many years. As a result, he was on a constant fitness yo-yo where the bottom of the string was a bad neck jerk and the top wasn't all that high or good. The Cylon got to The Truth by giving up The Lies out of desperation and a willingness to try something else. That something else ultimately formed the #downPAINment, The Truth of which is this:

  1. The Plateau is a MYTH--you are either climbing up to Stronger or sliding down to Weaker. 
  2. The Struggle NEVER ENDS (while you are upright). 
  3. Diet is King, Exercise is Queen--Diet Discipline is not only necessary, it's more important than exercise discipline, and harder to do.
  4. You have to make the #downPAINment every day. The first day you don't is the first day you begin to lose it. 
     The Cylon's acceptance of The Truth by rejection of The Lies is what started him as a Disciple of The #downPAINment. As with discipleship in anything, it isn't easy or magical. It's hard. But it's also worth it. And while he has lots of self-discipline, The Cylon cannot really do it alone. He needs other disciples to keep him accountable, which is kind of the point of writing all this. The #downPAINment is a group gig. That's the final Truth. We are made as men to do the #downPAINment thing together. Let's do it.

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