Tuesday, August 7, 2012

PINCH Hits The Green Beret Physical Challenge

The Cylon's nutrition and workout counselor, PINCH, sends us the following: 

The UBRR was recently brought to my attention by none other than The Cylon.  For those who are unaware the UBRR is a new, much more intense PT test utilized by Tier 1 and Tier 2 special forces units in the United States military.  I read the UBRR and thought (sadistically so) of how much I would like to challenge myself, see wher I am at in my level of fitness, identify my weaknesses and hopefully motivate others to do the same.

A few notes and observations before I post my scores below:

First, it was tremendous to look at the results and see where I need to focus and get better, particularly running and pull ups.  As an aside, it is incredible how much more difficult "dead hang" pull ups are than "speed" pull ups (ie, the 3/4 kind done during a Murph or other type of workout testing muscle endurance and speed at the same time).

Second, similar to pull ups it was amazing (and simultaneously depressing) to feel myself tiring so much more quickly doing push ups almost to the floor and locking out arms at the top vs speed push ups.

Third, based on the previous two points I will likely work in at least one workout per week during which I stress excellent form over number of repetitions.

Forth, given the number of strong runners in F3 Nation I would expect some monster scores to be posted.  I know of several Pax who will run the 5 miles somewhere around 33:00 give or take and that alone will add 150-160 points to their UBRR scores.

Finally, I hope this provides a baseline for my F3 brothers and I can't wait to see some of the tremendous scores that will be posted.

The UBRR is comprised of 9 events, 8 scored and one (the 20 feet rope climb) pass/fail.  I did't have a 20 feet long rope but have done it easily before so I am giving myself a pass on that.  Assuming minimum requirement is met in each exercise, every additional rep or lower run time adds additional points.  The higher the point total the better the performance.  Within various blogs online it was indicated that 1,000 was minimum score, 1,100 was decent, 1,400 was a freakin' cyborg and no SF operator is known to have broken the 1,500 barrier.  So, here are the scores:

Pinch, 6'5" 210 lbs

1. Bench Press - 80% x body weight, every rep above 6 adds 3 points. 
170 lbs x 23 reps, score = 151 points

2. Push Ups - 1 minute/max reps (chest almost to floor, must lock out arms at top).  Every rep above 40 adds 2 points.
51 reps, score = 122 points

3. Sit Ups - 1 minute/max reps (hands clasped behind head, knees touch elbows at top, shoulder blades touch ground at bottom), every rep over 40 adds 3 points.
 40 reps, score = 100 points (embarrassing!)

4.  Pull Ups - Max reps in one attempt, letting go of bar or feet touching ground ends the attempt.  Very strict form, chin above bar, no kipping, locked elbows at bottom.  Every rep above 6 adds 3.5 points.
11 reps, score = 117.5

5.  Dips - Max number of dips in one attempt, feet touching ground or releasing from bar ends attempt. Very strict form, arms locked out at top, arms at 90 degrees at bottom, no kip.  Every rep above 10 adds 2.5 points.
25 reps, score = 137.5

6. Rope Climb - Explained above

7. Kipp Ups - Tough to explain but imagine facing a pull up bar, turing 90 degrees and then grabbing a pull up bar palms facing each other, one hand in front of the other.  Pull feet up to bar such that both heels touch the bar, max reps in one attempt.  Feet touching ground or releasing hands from bar end attempt.  Every rep above 6 adds 3.5 points.
12 reps, score = 121

8. Shuttle Run - 25 meters down and back, twice, 100 meters total.  Must touch beyond line at each end.  Every 0.1 seconds under 24 seconds adds 2 points.
20:52, score = 170 (caveat, distance was approximate, I walked off 26 big steps and was timing myself while running so plenty of room for error here)

9. 5 Mile Run - Run 5 miles as fast as possible, every 5 seconds under 40:00 adds 2 points.
37:14, score = 166


It was humbling to attempt this and made me appreciate even more how impressive our elite military really are.  Hopefully this is a baseline of sorts as I fully expect several 1,200 or better scores and even a few 1,300s.....BEST OF LUCK, GO GET 'EM!!!

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